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좋은 책은 나의 친구

by Dream Planner 2012. 11. 2.

좋은 책 몇가지를 소개합니다.

[Books for General Parenting]

-Summerhill School by A.S. Neill

-You Are Special: Neighborly Wisdom from Mister Rogers by Fred Rogers

-The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers by Amy Hollingsworth

-5가지 사랑의 언어 by 게리 채프먼

-작은 학교가 아름답다 by 보리편집부 엮음

-진정한 자녀 사랑 by 로스 캠벨

-엄마수업 by 법륜

-그래도 난 너를 사랑해 by 홍새나

- 우리 아이 어떻게 키울까? by 오사카보육연구소 (도서출판 보리. 출간일 2007.7.12)

[장애를 딛고 일어선 사람들에 관한 책]

-Emergence by Temple Grandin

-Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin

-Horse Boy by Rupert Isaacson

-The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks

[Books for Dealing with Behavior Problems]

-Living with Children by Gerald Patterson 

-Parents are Teachers by Wesley Becker

-Changing Children's Behavior by John and Helen Krumboltz

-Behavior Management Application for Teachers by Thomas J. Zirpoli

[Books for Dealing with Social Problems]

-Helping Kids Make Friends by Stocking, Arezzon and Leavitt

-The New Social Story Book by Carol Gray

[Books for Self-help/Toileting/Play Skills]

-Steps to Independence by Baker et al.